Where and With Whom



West Kenya Sugar Company (WEKSCOL) has committed to work with sugarcane growers to improve the productivity and profitability of the producers. To achieve this WEKSCOL has collaborated with AgSri in March 2015 as a part of Millennium Alliance Award, to raise seedlings for transplanting in 300 acres in Kakamega region and provide training to the local workers in operations related to nurseries.

AgSri in association with Resource Plan Ltd. implemented the project “Promoting Improved Cultivation Practices and Adoption of the System of Rice Intensification (SRI) in western Kenya”. This is a part of Millennium Alliance Award 2014. The project beneficiaries were small-holder rice farmers based in Ahero, West Kano and South West Kano irrigation schemes.

The outcomes of the project included observations that through awareness creation and capacity building, farmers were motivated to adopt SRI. As a result, some 213 farmers adopted SRI in the three schemes, bringing on board some 337 acres under SRI practice during 2015--16.


AgSri implemented a project on Land and Water Resources Management Planto Synchronize Sugarcane Productionfor HIHCL Sugar Mill, Atiak, Amuru District, Uganda during 2015-16. AgSri has constituted a team of experts that include soil scientists, water resources specialists, crop specialists, sugarcane experts, GIS experts and project managers. This team collected and analyzed relevant data designed the methodology and prepared action plan.


BagamoyoEcoEnergy Limited (BEE) in collaboration with AgSri in April 2014, to raise upto one million seedlings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and provide technical assistance and training to the local workers and farmers to raise the nursery related operations.